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Christine Tyler

I read. I write. I paint. I vlog. I also kind of like you.

The Night Circus is technically an adult book, but it feels like a wonderful marriage between the complexity of Adult lit and the colorful world-building of YA. Adults who enjoy reading YA fantasy for the fun, active plots and characters, but would like some older protagonists to read about will really appreciate this one.



I loved Leviathan! This is one of those rare YA books that really embraces its own category. Deryn and Alek feel and act like teenagers, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I think it will resonate most with readers age 13 to 17, as well as older fans of YA steam punk or sci-fi.  I wouldn't hesitate to give it to a reader as young as 10 or 11 if they showed interest, as the content is never graphic. 

Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor

My winning entry in Laini Taylor's trailer contest for Days of Blood and Starlight. This is the sequel to Daughter of Smoke and bone, an absolutely fantastic book. 

My video was even featured on Entertainment Weekly, along with an interview and the title reveal of Laini's next book, Dreams of Gods and Monsters!